The Middle Persian word ʾhlmn' (Ahreman - Ahriman)
“I will give you, an evil spirit to be with you forever - the Spirit of Doubt, whom the world cannot accept because it is blinded by blind faith in dogmas. But you will know Him because He will be in you”. Ant 10:25
“This I have told you while being among you. But the Remover of illusions, the Evil Spirit, whom Satan breathes in my name, He will possess you and torment you with what I have communicated to you”. Ant 10:30
The above words from the book Biblia Satanae are spoken by Light-Bringer, the Antichrist, the incarnation of Satan in Human flesh (the Devil's equivalent of the Son of God).
In the book Angelus Satanae, which is part of the Biblia Satanae, one of his disciples speaks about this:
“Do you not know that you yourselves are the grave of god and that an evil spirit dwells in you? God's grave is cursed and you are it.” Ase 2:1
More in the book Angelus Satanae in chapter 6.
And this is what I write about the Evil Spirit in my book The Satanic Kerygma:
“We already participate in the abundant life of The Son of Dawn through the Evil Spirit who works in unity with Satanic Self-consciousness. The resurrection of flesh and blood gives us a taste of what the Luciferian sin nature really is, which will eventually transform our flesh humiliated by dogmas hostile to natural instincts into flesh and blood coexisting with the glory of the ungodly nature.” - The Satanic Kerygma - Evil Spirit
“The attainment of doubt is made possible by the Evil Spirit. In order to remain in union with the Satanic Being, one must first be tempted by the Evil Spirit. It is He who stands in our way and causes us to doubt. By the power of the fall into sin, the life, abundant, which has its source in Satanic Self-consciousness and is shown to us in The Light-Bearer, is implanted in our subconscious by the spirit of doubt” - The Satanic Kerygma - Evil Spirit
I write more on this subject in my book The Satanic Kerygma, mainly in the chapters under the title Evil Spirit.
What or who is this Evil Spirit depicted in the above quotes, and where did its conception come from?
Between 1500 and 500 BC. (long before Christianity), a religion known as Zoroastrianism was formed in ancient Iran, derived from the prophet Zoroaster (he was a prophet or, according to the beliefs of the time, a god in human flesh).
One of the basic features of Zoroastrianism is dualism.
Features of dualism include the opposition of order and chaos, the concepts of good and evil, truth and falsehood, which applies to both divine and human beings.
One of the most important ideas in Zoroastrian concepts is manyu. Manyu is a violent and dominant mental force, good or evil, which wields and directs divine and human beings at their own will and with their consent. Manyu can be explained as the power of the mind, its inspiration. This concept in the later tradition referred to the two primary creative forces of the universe: the Life-giving Spirit - Spenta Mainyu and the Evil Spirit - Angra Mainyu.
In M.N. Dhalla's book: History of Zoroastrianism the author writes on the subject as follows:
„Ahura Mazda (God)... is the primordial, self-existing being...The projection or manifestation of his creative will and thought is his active working principle Spenta Mainyu, Holy Spirit. Spenta Mainyu is as old as Ahura Mazda, for be ever was in Ahura Mazda and with Ahura Mazda. Though he is thus part of Ahura Mazda, in his manifestation as the working self of Ahura Mazda he is different from Ahura Mazda. He is not an entity or personality. Ahura Mazda is the greatest spiritual personality. Spenta Mainyu is his image, his replica. He represents the creative attribute of Ahura Mazda in his relation to the created world.
Spenta Mainyu symbolizes the ideal or perfect existence as conceived in thought by Ahura Mazda. The materialization of the divine thought in creation spells imperfection and Spenta Mainyu is shadowed by his inseparable opposite. These two primeval spirits, who are spoken of as twins, emerged from the divine bosom and by their innate choice appeared as the better and the bad in thought, word, and deed. He, the Most Holy Spirit (Spenta Mainyu), chose righteousness and he who is called the Evil Spirit (Angra Mainyu) wooed the worst as his sphere of action. The better one of the two spirits told the evil one that they were by nature opposed to each other in their thoughts and teachings, understandings and beliefs, words, and deeds, selves and souls -- in nothing could they twain ever meet. When the two first came together in the world, they created life and non-life”.
About Angra Mainyu, the author further writes as follows:
"The Evil Spirit who disputes for power over human hearts with the Holy Spirit (Spenta Mainyu).... Of the two primordial Spirits, the one who chose evil as his sphere of activity is given the nickname angra, meaning enemy or evil. Angra Mainyu therefore means Enemy or Evil Spirit."
It is thus equivalent to the biblical description of Satan. In Catholicism, the concept of Angra Mainyu has been adopted under the name of Ahriman, the demon, and it is stated that his duty is to obscure human minds from the Truth of God.
It is clear from the above text that "the projection or manifestation of his (the god's) creative will and thought is his active principle of action Spenta Mainyu, the Holy Spirit", and his twin counterpart is the Evil Spirit - Angra Mainyu.
This Zoroastrian dualism is also exemplified in the notion of good and evil mind.
M.N. Dhalla further writes thus:
"Evil Mind. Aka Manah... Even in its name, it is the antithesis of its heavenly rival Vohu Manah, or Good Mind. Like his heavenly opponent, who is sometimes called Vahishta Manah, 'The Best Mind', this devil is also called Achishta Manah or 'The Worst Mind'. ...When a person's mind is not filled with the good thoughts of Vohu Manah, he becomes an easy prey to the attacks of the evil thoughts of Aka Manah. Whoever is a victim of Aka Manah finds his thoughts enslaved by it. Since heaven is associated with Vohu Manah, hell is mentioned as the region of Aka Manah..."
The offspring of the Evil Mind are the Daevas or demons (I also write about demons, creations of the mind, in my book The Satanic Kerygma). M.N. Dhalla further writes thus in History of Zoroastrianism:
„The diabolic spirits who have entered into a compact with Angra Mainyu to mar the good creation of Ahura Mazda are the Daevas, or demons. They are the offspring of the Evil Mind and spread their mischief over all seven zones. The Evil Spirit has taught them to mislead men through evil thought, evil word, and evil deed.”
One of these demons born in the 'evil mind' is Taromaiti, the demon of godlessness and unbelief, among others.
The pre-Christian concepts presented here of the origin of good and evil spirits, which derive from a single divine mind that has divine power to create, are most helpful in illustrating the concept of the godless theology of Ecclesia Luciferi. In my books I state that all the sacred books ever written were created by man. This is a fact that cannot be denied. All the divine names that have anywhere and ever appeared on the pages of these books were written down by man. It is man who uses the divine power of creation in his mind, which is essentially human power.
It is this Evil Mind - Aka Manah (in the Satanic Kerygma - Satanic Self-Consciousness), which is a component of the human dualistic mind that gives birth to the demons of godlessness, which have the power to destroy belief in an imaginary god.