Living Dead
„I am the blood of sinfulness, which comes from nothingness. If anyone consumes this blood, he will live here and now but as if he were dead”. Biblia Satanae, Ant. 5:34
„The very person of the Undead can say: I was apparently alive, and now I am dead but as if undead”. The Satanic Kerygma - Symbol of Lucifer the Dead
„We are not of those heading for delusional doom, but of those doubting, departing to the world between life and death”. Book Antichristus, chapter Blood. 9
„But he turned away and, looking at his followers, said to him: "And what is madness? What is chaos? You believe in law and order but the Universe is an empty, chaotic, cold place, hostile to life. But it is in such a place that the stars were born from which you too came”. Biblia Satanae, Ant. 7:8
„There will no longer be faith in life after death, only faith in life before death. They will also cease to fear death, because there will be nothing left where they go, only a dark, cold emptiness. And they will turn back into the stars from which they were created, and from which everything was created. What once was, is gone”. Biblia Satanae Pse. 5:16-17
In order to explain what the above quotes from the books of the Ecclesia Luciferi system are really about, I will need to refer to science as usual. In the shortest terms, these quotes relate to the mysteries of life itself.
To begin with, in order to understand at all what the state we call life can be, it is necessary to explain what its most elementary components are and where they come from.
So let's look first at the night sky.
Stars are spheres composed of a gravitationally bound specific mixture of gases. The nuclei of stars, as a result of thermonuclear reactions occurring in them, emit enormous energy in the form of radiation. Stars consist mainly of hydrogen and helium. As a result of their evolution, other heavier elements - metals - are produced in their interiors.
Elements such as carbon, oxygen, iron, silicon, helium and others are formed in stars.
After the death of a massive star, most of its matter is ejected into space. The elements that make up Earth's crust and atmosphere were formed inside stars.
All living beings on earth are composed of almost the same chemical molecules, which undergo very similar transformations in their bodies. The elements that build these molecules come precisely from the Earth's crust and atmosphere. Humans are made up of elements called biogenic elements. These include: Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur - without these elements life would not exist.
The elements form matter, which is never alive. Matter, on the other hand, arranged in a certain way, causes chemical reactions that produce a property known as life.
All living organisms are composed entirely of inanimate matter. Humans are composed of the aforementioned biogenic elements, which combine to form inanimate molecules. These molecules arranged in a certain way, react chemically and form a living cell, and living cells form a living organism. An organism composed of cells is alive, but the matter that makes up these cells is not alive.
Matter itself is not alive, so life arises from non-living matter.
To realize how illusory is the boundary between life and non-life I will use the example of a virus.
Is a virus a living organism?
Well, viruses themselves do not exhibit any life functions. From a biological point of view, they do not even count as organisms. This is because they do not have a cellular structure and no metabolic processes take place in them, so they are not capable of independent life.
But viruses have the ability to enter living cells and multiply through them. That is, a virus needs a host to reproduce and survive. And such a host can be any living cell, such as a bacterial cell.
So is a bacterium a living organism?
Bacteria are very primitive organisms and consist of only a few parts. Mainly from proteins, DNA, cell wall and a few other elements.
These elements by themselves are not alive, but when they are combined, when the appropriate chemical reactions take place, the cell can be described as alive. They are seen as alive when, and only when, certain chemical reactions take place.
DNA, which is part of bacteria, is a chemical molecule. There are 4 nitrogenous bases in DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) and they are simply four different chemical molecules. In cells, the process of DNA copying takes place, which is nothing more than a spontaneous chemical reaction. It requires the right conditions and the right chemicals to carry it out.
The process of creating a new cell is nothing but a sequence of spontaneous chemical reactions.
Thus, life arises spontaneously from inanimate matter whenever an organism reproduces (an organism is nothing more than an environment conducive to the appropriate chemical reactions). It is the product of complex chemical reactions taking place between non-living particles.
So, does life begin only with the emergence of so-called consciousness, that is, something indefinable, intangible, not fully comprehended, which is perhaps the immortal soul itself?
Well, again, exactly all bodily functions are dependent on chemical reactions. The thinking process is influenced by a whole system of external stimuli and internal biochemical processes. During this process there is a chemical-biological chain reaction. Thinking is chemistry. Consciousness is probably also nothing more than the product of complex biochemical processes.
The passages quoted at the beginning of the text from Biblia Satanae: Ant. 7:8 and Pse 5:16-17 refer, therefore, to the fact that man is made of elements born in the heart of a dying star, and that true resurrection occurs after and through the death of the star, for it is then that atoms are formed from which matter is built, from which new life is created. After man's death there will also be only elements left behind, which will eventually be returned to the eternal cosmos.
Further quotes:
„I am the blood of sinfulness, which comes from nothingness. If anyone consumes this blood, he will live here and now but as if he were dead”. Biblia Satanae Ant. 5:34
„The very person of the Undead can say: I was apparently alive, and now I am dead but as if undead”. The Satanic Kerygma - Symbol of Lucifer the Dead
These quotes speak of the fact that man, thanks to the godless science (in the Bible Satanae - blood, blood of sinfulness, etc.) and its true understanding, is able to discover that having put to death the belief in the immortality of the soul, he becomes neither dead nor alive, but as if undead. It is nothing but dead matter that has been revived. Firstly in a biological sense, and secondly in a spiritual way, when he grasps that belief in an imaginary god and in an afterlife is false.
What such a transformation looks like according to the philosophy of Ecclesia Luciferi is told in the following passages from its ungodly books:
„You must die completely spiritually. Bury your previous life of faith in a false, vengeful god and in his inhuman commands and prohibitions, and rise from the dead in flesh and blood when you see the reflection of the light of The Son of Dawn. There are spiritual bodies enslaved, cursed by faith in YHWH called spirit, and corporeal entities liberated by natural instincts, altered by the sin of Lucifer.
Because there is an apparent corporeal resemblance between the two, it can deceive those without discernment.
Different is the enchantment of the sun, different the hypnotic enchantment of the moon and different the magic of the constellations.
As for godless transformation, one infects a spirit and then it is transformed into flesh and blood by luciferic inspiration, which resurrects someone who has died to superstition and fear of a vengeful and cruel god.
One is infected in disgrace, one is resurrected in sinful glory. One infects in weakness, one is resurrected in ungodly power. One infects in spirit, one is resurrected in flesh and blood liberated from delusion”. ASE. 7:18-23
„Conscious of his oneness with ungodly nature, man - enlightened by Lucifer - allows the belief in false gods to slowly and as if spontaneously die in him, rejoicing in his regained freedom he rejects one by one the inhuman divine laws. This is what original sin is all about.
Every sin, then, will result from disobedience to an imaginary god and doubt in his goodness.
Falling into this sin, man places himself above the false god and thus despises the imaginary deity; he chooses himself as an opponent of the god and slowly becomes one with Satanic Self-consciousness. Reborn in a state of godlessness, the Arch-Man becomes the image of the Anti-god. Enlightened by Lucifer, he stands above the false deity.
Consciously sinning man loses the enchantment of blind faith. He does not fear any god, he sees his true image, seeing in him a deity jealous of his privileges.
The harmony with godless nature, established through primal instincts, in which man has always lived, is restored; the reign of the soul's power over flesh and blood is broken. The illusion is broken; imaginary worlds become hostile and alien to man. Finally, the full consequence of the sin of knowledge of the true nature of things is revealed - the certainty and peace of death.
What is real is in accordance with instinct. For man, looking into his mind, perceives that he is neither good nor evil. He is as ungodly and indifferent as the world around him. Man does not come from a mythical invisible creator. Sinful man, disenchanted of his delusional holiness, rightly fails to recognise a god as his origin, thereby shattering the false system of unfounded belief in a non-existent eternal reward and punishment”. The Satanic Kerygma - Original sin
Hail Satan! Hail Thyself!
This is such a beautiful way to present what life is, and where it comes from. Life seems to be the inevitable consequence of the material universe. We find ourselves aware, conscious, able to contemplate the mystery of life. In our infancy, we didn’t have the means to understand this mystery, and of course, as conscious beings, we project consciousness upon the world around us. We have the power to interact with our environment, create, build things, with intent. We love, we become angry, sad, joyful. This is the perspective from which we operate. Of course we look for ourselves in the world. When our world was limited to a village, the few surrounding communities, the mountain over there, lights in the sky, things that want to eat us, we looked for mind, consciousness, emotion in all these things. We contemplated the origins, assumed a mind behind it all. Now we understand the impersonal nature of the universe. We understand what happens in stars. For me, I am way more amazed by, in absolute awe of the natural processes that have produced life than I have ever been by the gods we have invented by way of explanation for the mystery of these things.
As always, thank you for the way you present the mystery of godlessness.
Ave Satanas.