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This is such a beautiful way to present what life is, and where it comes from. Life seems to be the inevitable consequence of the material universe. We find ourselves aware, conscious, able to contemplate the mystery of life. In our infancy, we didn’t have the means to understand this mystery, and of course, as conscious beings, we project consciousness upon the world around us. We have the power to interact with our environment, create, build things, with intent. We love, we become angry, sad, joyful. This is the perspective from which we operate. Of course we look for ourselves in the world. When our world was limited to a village, the few surrounding communities, the mountain over there, lights in the sky, things that want to eat us, we looked for mind, consciousness, emotion in all these things. We contemplated the origins, assumed a mind behind it all. Now we understand the impersonal nature of the universe. We understand what happens in stars. For me, I am way more amazed by, in absolute awe of the natural processes that have produced life than I have ever been by the gods we have invented by way of explanation for the mystery of these things.

As always, thank you for the way you present the mystery of godlessness.

Ave Satanas.

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