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Religious and philosophical delusions certainly give a self-imposed sense of purpose and meaning. Everything from theistic religion to militant secular beliefs as mutually exclusive as Bolshevik Communism, Fascism, and the New Atheism (which is a sort of blind faith in the Enlightenment and reason) leads to very harmful conclusions, though some are clearly worse in degree than others in terms of inflicting human and non-human suffering.

And I’ve never considered the Cotard delusion interpretation of the Christ myth. That is very interesting. I’ll have to consider it further.

By way eliminating delusion and using analysis to abolish certainty of both the mind and the cosmos, I heartily recommend the book in the link below. The Luciferian flame burns through all constructions and false certainties. There is no meaning whatsoever to life in this multiverse. There is a certain hopeless freedom in that.

Hail Chaos!


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